16th Nov, 2024 20:00

OstLicht Photo Auction Autumn 2024 at Fotografiska Shanghai

Lot 2

ANONYMOUS PHOTOGRAPHER | Eight views of Beijing, China c. 1900
未知摄影师 | 北京八景,中国

Sold for €2,200

Lot details

Start price: € 1,800

Estimate: € 2,800–4,000

Start price: RMB 14,000

Estimate: RMB 22,000–30,000

Size: 16.6 x 22.5 cm

8 Photochroms, in excellent condition. Rare, complete series, edited by "Photoglob Zurich". Typographic motif-numbers consecuting from no. 18801 to no. 18808 and titles in English and Chinese in the lower image. Summerpalace - View from the east, Summerpalace - Main buildings, Summerpalace - Marble Boat, Summerpalace - Marble Bridge, Summerpalace - General view, Summerpalace from Dragon Temple Island, Summerpalace - 17 Arches Bridge, Temple of Heaven.

Before the development of a colour photography process that allowed serial reproduction, Photochroms were distributed worldwide around 1900. The "Photoglob" Department at "Vereinigte Kunstanstalten" in Zurich, Switzerland, was in the Forefront. The motifs cover numerous regions and were produced in an elaborate three-colour print on the basis of a black and white negative. The magnificent scenarios therefore do not reflect natural colours, but follow an artificial colour concept. Complete series are very rare today.

8 张彩色照相版画,品相极佳。稀有的完整系列,由“Photoglob Zurich”编辑。印刷的编号从18801到18808依次排列,图像下方有英文和中文标题。颐和园 - 东面景观,颐和园 - 主建筑,颐和园 - 石舫,颐和园 - 石桥,颐和园 - 全景,龙王庙岛上的颐和园,颐和园 - 十七孔桥,天坛。在彩色照片冲印技术成熟之前,彩色照相版画在1900年左右在全球流通并流行。“Photoglob”部门在瑞士苏黎世的“联合艺术机构”处于前沿。图案涵盖了众多区域,并在黑白底片的基础上以精致的三色印刷制作。因此,这些壮丽的场景并不反映自然色彩,而是遵循一种人工色彩概念。完整的系列在今天非常罕见。